The Southwester Crossword – June 2013
St.Paul’s A.U.M.P Church gets some long awaited TLC

St. Paul’s Church is the small building that residents know is there. Many walk by it daily and it is clearly visible as you exit the 6th Street ramp from the freeway either heading home, or to a Nationals game. Many Capitol Hill residents see it on their way South […]
Running of the Chihuahuas

On May 4th, 2013, 96 Chihuahuas, their owners, and hundreds of spectators were at the Kastles Stadium for the 2nd Annual Running of the Chihuahuas. The event was put on by OnTap Magazine as a celebration of Cinco De Mayo and a fundraiser for the Paws of SW Dog Park […]
Open Volunteer Position: ‘The Southwester’ Advertising Manager
Want to give back to your community by helping your local newspaper? The Southwest Neighborhood Assembly ( seeks a motivated, energetic volunteer to oversee the advertising relationships of the 50-year-old, respected newspaper of Southwest Washington DC. The Advertising Manager is an outspoken representative of the mission and significance of The […]
DC Public Library Spring Book Sale!
Save the Date! The Friends of the Southwest DC Public Library is holding its Spring Book Sale on Saturday, June 8th at the Southwest DC Public Library, 900 Wesley SW (at K & 3rd St SW). All proceeds for the sale go directly to supporting programming and equipment needs of the SW library branch. Friends Member Sale: Wednesday, […]