By Kitty Felde Parents say no a lot. No, you can’t stay up till midnight. No, you can’t spend your entire allowance on candy. No, you can’t play video games every single minute of every single day. When do we finally get to say “yes?” Say hello to yes. I […]
Young Readers: Stop and Start
By Kitty Felde Admit it. Our attention spans have shrunk in this era of social media. It’s even worse with kids. So how do you get a child to put down the phone and pick up a book? One solution, offered by our neighbors to the north, is perfect for […]
Young Readers: Book Clubs for Introverts
By Kitty Felde You might call them Book Clubs for Introverts. Imagine a room full of readers, sharing the experience of reading, but not talking. That’s the idea behind Silent Book Clubs. The rules are simple. There is no assigned reading, everyone brings whatever they want to read. Any format […]
Young Readers: Kindles, Kindles Everywhere
By Kitty Felde If I open the kitchen pantry door and there’s a bag of chocolate chips in there, I eat them. I can’t help it. On the other hand, if the bag of chips is stashed in the back of the shelf, I don’t bother to look for them. […]
Young Readers: More Binge, Less Complaints
By Kitty Felde “It’s not that kids don’t like to read. It’s that they don’t like feeling like they’re forced to read.” That’s Eric Berman’s mantra. Berman is Teen Services Coordinator for the Alameda County Library in California. He says the key is getting reluctant readers hooked on something. Anything works, he […]