SUN 1 @ 3 P.M. Sunday Poetry Hour, Bring your favorite poem to share or just listen to some new and familiar poems.SW Neighborhood Library, 900 Wesley Place SW

SUN 1 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, “The Silver Chalice” with Paul Newman, Jack Palance, Pier Angeli, Virginia Mayo, and Loren Greene (1954) (142 minutes). FREE. Everyone welcome. Some people bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E StSW. Contact Father Gerry 202-554-7863.

MON 2 @ 7-8:30 P.M. PAWS of Southwest. The monthly meeting is open to the public in the downstairs community room of in the SW Neighborhood Library. Also find us at PAWS of Southwest on Facebook.

WED 4 @ 7 P.M. St. Augustine’s Art & Spirit Coffeehouse, “Stories for a Season of Expectation” told by Tara Ramsey, Bruce Crane, and others to mark the Advent Season. Coffee and desserts, followed by audience Q&A. Free, donations accepted. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW. 202-554-3222 or

FRI  6 @ 6:30 P.M. potluck, 7 P.M. games. St. Augustine’s Game Night. Bring a potluck dish to share. Board and card games provided, but feel free to bring your own games too. All ages welcome. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW, 202-554-3222 or

SAT 7 @ 3-4 P.M. The Labyrinth, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW. Walk a Sacred Path. The LABYRINTH opens the FIRST SATURDAY of each month. Labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool for meditation, prayer, inner guidance, and contemplation. Walking guides will be present to answer questions.

SUN 8 @ 6:30 P.M.  St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, “Anchoress” with Natalie Morse and Christopher Eccleston (1993) (108 minutes). FREE. Everyone Welcome. Some people bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW. Contact Father Gerry 202-554-7863.

MON 9 @ 7-10 P.M.  ANC6D Monthly Business Meeting, 1100 4th St SW, DCRA Hearing Room on 2nd floor. Voting for new Commissioners for Districts 1 and 2 to fill vacancies. Residents in Districts 1 and 2 are urged to attend and vote.

SUN 15 @ 4 P.M. Shirli Hughes and Ovation! Presents Light of the World, an exciting concert of holiday music to fill the season with prayerful warmth and cheer! Guest MC: WHUR’s Jacquie Gales Webb. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW.

SUN  15 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, “The Agony and the Ecstasy” Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison (1965) (138 minutes). FREE. Everyone Welcome. Some people bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW. Contact Father Gerry 202-554-7863.

TUES 24 @ 7 P.M. Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW, 202-554-3222 or

TUES 24 @ 7-8 P.M. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW.

WED 25 @ 10 A.M. Christmas Day Service, St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW, 202-554-3222 or

SUN 29 @ 2 P.M. Downton Abbey Re-Cap, Need a refresher before Season 4 of Downton Abbey begins? Join us for a showing of the Season 3 finale! SW Neighborhood Library


ADULTS/SENIORS BINGO BRUNCH, 1-3 P.M., Mondays and Thursdays, at King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW. FREE

AEROBICS with Ms. Dee, 6:30-7:30 P.M., Mondays and Thursdays, at King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW in the Multipurpose Room.

AYE COMMUNITY MARKETS, 9 A.M.-1 P.M., Saturdays, Dreaming Out Loud is running the farmers market on the grounds of Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW.

BABY STORY TIME, 10:30 A.M., Tuesdays, songs, finger plays, and games to promote development of literacy skills. SW Neighborhood Library.

BLUES MONDAYS, 6-9 P.M., Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 Eye St SW, Various Blues musicians and singers featured each Monday. $5. Food for sale.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30 A.M. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW. Children ages 3 and older are invited to join our loving and lively Sunday School where they are introduced to a loving God who welcomes and cares for all. Through biblical stories, art, music and holy play, our children are nurtured in their natural spirituality to grow as the “littlest members” of a community of faith.

COMPUTER CLASSES, Tuesdays 10-12 Noon, SW Neighborhood Library

TUES  3            Introduction to Personal Computers

TUES 10           Internet Basics

TUES  17          DC Public Library website

TUES 24           No Class scheduled

TUES 31           No Class scheduled         

FAMILY GAME NIGHT, WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30 P.M. Join the SW Neighborhood Library for game nights! Come play a host of Wii video games or enjoy a nice board game. Wed 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th. Call for times 202-4752

HAND DANCING CLASSES, SATURDAYS, 12-2 P.M., Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, classes by Markus Smith of Swing Anatomy Dance. $10/class for adults, $5/class for children 8-17. Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW, Community room off Wesley Place SW.

HAND DANCING CLASSES, SATURDAYS, 12:45-3:45 P.M., King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW. 645-7454

JAZZ NIGHT IN SW, FRIDAYS, 6-9 P.M.  Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 Eye St SW. Various Jazz musicians and singers featured each Friday. $5. Food for sale.

JOB SEEKERS PROGRAM, WEDNESDAYS 1-7:00 P.M. By Appointment Only; Call 724-4298. Help with resumes, cover letters, applications, and other aspects of the job search process. Dec 4th, 11th & 18th. SW Neighborhood Library.

The KIWANIS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST WATERFRONT, 6:30-7:30 P.M., every first and third Monday Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW.

LITTLE FARM STAND at the Duck Pond,  10 A.M.-2 P.M., Saturdays through December 21st Organic produce, baked goods, and preserves from Loundon County.

POLICE SERVICE AREA 105, Community meeting, 7-8:30 P.M., every third Thursday, Location announced at previous meeting.

POLICE SERVICE AREA 106, Community meeting, 10-11 A.M., every fourth Saturday, Community Room  900 5th St SE.

PRE SCHOOL STORYTIMES, 10:30-11:30 A.M., Tuesdays and Thursdays, featuring stories, songs, and fingerplays, suitable for children 18 mos.-3years. 2-2:30 P.M. every Wednesday, Read Aloud Book Club for 8 years and up, SW Neighborhood Library,

SEATED YOGA, 11:00-Noon on Mondays, and Wednesdays 4-5 P.M., Westminster Presbyterian Church. Pamela Wilson guides a gentle series of movements designed to free the joints and ease the mind. This is part of Westminster’s Wellness program.

SOUTHWEST RENEWAL AA, Alcoholics Anonymous group, 8:30 P.M., Mondays, St. Augustine’s Church, 600 M St SW, (202) 554-3222.

SW FREEWAY, NA, 7-8 P.M., Narcotics Anonymous group, Wednesdays, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 Eye St SW.

TUESDAY WALK FOR WELLNESS while walking to music, 11-12 P.M. in the gym of King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW.

TODDLER STORY TIME. 10:30 A.M., stories, picture books, and rhymes and a take home craft project. SW Neighborhood Library.

WASHINGTON STAMP COLLECTOR’S CLUB, 7-9 P.M., first and third Wednesday each month. Buy, trade and sell stamps. Refreshments, auctions, and programs.  Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW. 202-863-0564

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 Eye St SW, 4 P.M.  Seated Yoga and Healing Sessions (Pamela Wilson and Riva Wine). 5 P.M.  Tai Chi (Manifest Ra). 5:30 P.M. Laughter Yoga (Claire Trivedi). 6:45 P.M. Sampoorna Yoga (Alex Rosen). 7 P.M. Narcotics Anonymous SW Freeway Meeting.

Submit Calendar events to by the 15th of tthe month preceding the month it is scheduled.

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