The Kiwanis Club of Southwest Waterfront is a part of a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. We are looking for members and invite you to join us every first and third Monday at Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St. […]
Building Community … Aya Means Endurance
In the summer of 2012, on a bright sunny day, Chris Bradshaw, founder and executive director of Dreaming Out Loud, Inc., had just placed down a yard sign on the grounds of Christ United Methodist Church advertising a farmers market project he had hoped to get off the ground. He […]
Emergency Preparedness Task Force Hosts Disaster Prevention Presentation
The Southwest Emergency Preparedness Task Force, one of the task forces affiliated with the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly, is hosting a presentation on “The August 23, 2011 Louisa, VA Earthquake and Lessons Learned for Community Disaster Preparedness Going Forward.” The guest speakers will be Ms. Amanda Reidelbach, disaster relief & volunteer […]
Southwest Neighbors Join Smithsonian Project

Photo courtesy of Smithsonian Institution and the National Capitol Planning Commission. After expressing concerns to the National Capitol Planning Commission regarding a proposal by the Smithsonian Institution to redesign the Enid Haupt Gardens behind the Smithsonian Castle, the Waterfront Gateway Neighborhood Association (WGNA) has been invited to serve as a consulting party on the […]
Jefferson Academy Baseball Team’s Date at Nationals Park

Photos courtesy of Perry Klein. On Thursday, April 2, after baseball practice, Jefferson’s baseball coach, Mr. Ronald Hines, Sr. (Coach Horse), and a representative of the Washington Nationals baseball team, Mr. Bardach, carpooled us to the National’s stadium. Upon our arrival to the stadium, we respectfully waited to meet our tour […]
Arena Stage Hosts 2015 Voices of Now Festival
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater will host the Voices of Now festival, a four-day event featuring original works of theater written and performed by 11 different youth ensembles from the internationally renowned community engagement program. The festival will bring together more than 100 artists, ages 11-25, from […]
Opera in the Outfield 2015
WHAT: Washington National Opera announces the return of M&M’S® Opera in the Outfield Cinderella WHEN: Saturday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at Nationals Park COST: Free community event WHAT: live broadcast of family-friendly production of Rossini’s charming opera “Pregame” entertainment and family events begin at 5 p.m. The most popular […]