“It’s been in the works and driven by the Nationals and MLB,” says Councilmember Charles Allen. “What’s that?” you ask? It’s the new pediatric dental van that you will soon see driving around the neighborhood.
The Washington Nationals, the Nationals’ Dream Foundation, and Major League Baseball partnered together to fund the vehicle, which was then turned over to Children’s National Hospital to operate. The van will be able to perform routine checkups as well as handle larger issues like cavities.
“Our goal is to make sure that every legacy project that we were privileged to create was going to make a real lasting difference,” say Lerner Tanenbaum, owner of the Nationals, and Dream Foundation Chair Marla Lerner Tanenbaum.
Part of MLB’s $5 million All-Star Legacy Initiative for Washington, DC, the van will carry on long after MLB’s All-Star Game leaves town.
“I am thrilled to see this type of investment in Ward 6 and especially Southwest. The All-Star Game is a fun event, but Southwest, Southeast, and Ward 6 want it to have a lasting impact in the community after the game leaves, as do I,” Allen says.
The new dental van will cater to children in Wards 6, 7, and 8 on a regular basis. Although the exact schedule is yet to be released, parents will be able to schedule an appointment or drop in. Children’s National Hospital will work with the community in advance to notify families when the van will be coming to the area.