By Vivienne Stearns-Elliott, Communications Director, American Cancer Society

The Breast Cancer Awareness Month Celebration of the Thelma D. Jones Breast Cancer Fund (TDJBCF) Support Group on Oct. 16, 2019 was filled with inspiration and hope as the group looked forward to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, which took place later that month at the Tidal Basin on Oct. 26. The meeting’s welcome and opening remarks were provided by Mamie W. Mallory, TDJBCF Board Chair, and Guest Speaker Tswana Sewell, Executive Director, American Cancer Society, Inc. (Northeast Region). The speakers shared information about the free services and programs offered by the American Cancer Society (ACS) to fight breast cancer.
Corinne Bombowsky, ACS community development manager, who has become a core part of the TDJBCF Support Group, was surprised when TDJBCF Founder Thelma D. Jones presented her with the 2019 Community of Spirit Award for her outstanding leadership role as the Making Strides manager and for nurturing a strong ACS relationship with the TDJBCF Support Group. The group also welcomed The Southwester editor-in-chief Mike Goodman, who served as an ACS Real Men Wear Pink of DC during October. Plus, there was a beautiful live performance by a native daughter of Washington, DC, vocalist and songwriter Cecily, who also sang a week later at Making Strides of DC.

Cecily; Courtesy of Vivienne Stearns-Elliot
The evening was capped off by a letter from Mayor Muriel Bowser and a Ceremonial Resolution from Ward 8 DC Councilmember Trayon White Sr., honoring the TDJBCF Support Group and recognizing Thelma D. Jones for her many contributions to Southwest. Jones’s contributions range from her previous service on the board SWNA to currently chairing SWNA Youth Activities Task Force, SWNA History Task Force Subcommittee on Black History, and co-chairing the SWNA Emergency Preparedness Task Force.
In addition, Kim McCall, DC HSEMA Community Outreach Specialist, discussed earthquake preparedness and the recent Great Shake Out. The drill encourages participants to practice the motto: DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON!
The TDJBCF Support Group meets the third Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in SW DC. These meetings focus on providing emotional support, education, and resources for breast cancer survivors and caretakers.