By Southwester Staff

The Southwest BID, Capitol Riverfront Bid, and DDOT (funding provided by all three) are doing two new studies: the M Street Non-automotive Planning Study; and (2) the SE-SW Mobility Study. The studies will focus on looking at “mass transit, micromobility (bicycles, scooters, and other small, low-speed personal vehicles), an improved pedestrian environment, shared parking strategies, and more” for the M Street corridor, between SW and near SE.
More specifically, the M Street Non-automotive Planning Study will look at “planning for multimodal transportation, specifically protected mobility lanes (bike, scooter, and other small, low-speed personal vehicles), on M Street SE between South Capitol Street SE and 11th Street SE.”
The SE-SW mobility Study will focus on these three key areas:
1) A high-level concept of how the design from the M Street Non-Automotive Planning Study alternatives could be applied along the SW portion of the corridor.
2) A concept plan for how the public realm along the entire M Street SE-SW corridor can be improved for all modes/users including the pedestrian realm; and
3) Feasibility study and recommendations for transit connectivity between Buzzard Point and commercial/transit hubs to the north, including Capitol Riverfront, SW Waterfront/The Wharf, Capitol South, and Union Station.
According to their website (, Capitol Riverfront is the fastest growing neighborhood in DC and “will continue to experience rapid growth over the next 10 years, adding nearly 20,000 more residents.”
Southwest Waterfront and especially Buzzard Point are also experiencing exponential rates of growth, which will further add more people and commuters to the dynamics of all three neighborhoods. The existing infrastructure of these neighborhoods was “designed around the previous light-industrial land uses that dominated the waterfront of Near Southeast and Buzzard Point.” With the rapidly increasing density, transit has to be reimagined.
The public comment period for this survey is open until June 8. Add your thoughts to how the M Street Corridor should be redesigned and fill out the survey here: