Thanks to a new $4,000 matching grant from Friends of Southwest DC (FOS), Waterfront Village hopes to launch a 12-month seminar series focused on health and wellness topics for seniors. The 35 sessions would take place at a local church and would be open to the public. Presenters would include […]
Waterfront Village Launch Includes Celebration of 15 Years of the Senior Village Movement

Photo caption: Dr. Atul Gawande After several years of planning and nearly six months of pre-launch membership sales and fundraising, the Southwest Waterfront and Navy Yard communities are ready to welcome their first senior village. If the term is unfamiliar to you, a senior village is not a brick-and-mortar retirement community, […]
Waterfront Village Ready to Set Sail!

The effort to provide supportive services to seniors in the Southwest Waterfront and Navy Yard who wish to age in place in their homes is quickly becoming a reality! Waterfront Village joins senior villages in Capitol Hill, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Foggy Bottom, and six other District neighborhoods as part of […]
Neighborhood Group Looks to Activate “Village”
The Waterfront Gateway Neighborhood Association, an affiliation of eight homeowners’ associations along G St. SW, has started exploratory steps to establish Waterfront Village to serve the greater Southwest community. The village concept is a community-based approach to aging that incorporates principles of a naturally occurring retirement community (NORC), which is a […]
Neighborhood Group Aligns to Support G Street Park Restoration

An affiliation of eight home and condo owner associations along G Street SW is taking the lead in advocating for repairs and upgrades to the Amidon Sidewalk Park at Fourth and G Streets SW. The Waterfront Gateway Neighborhood Association (WGNA) includes nearly 1,000 households from Delaware Avenue to Ninth Street […]
New Neighborhood Association Formed in Southwest
In the rapidly evolving Southwest quadrant of DC, the newest entity to take shape is an affiliation of six homeowners’ associations – the Waterfront Gateway Neighborhood Association. Bound by 4th and 9th Streets SW, I (Eye) St SW, and the I-395 Freeway, Waterfront Gateway includes nearly 600 households in both […]
What will the hotels on the Wharf be like?
Plans for two hotels in the Wharf development were presented to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6D at their last meeting. These will be just northwest of 7th Street, on the waterfront, in Parcel 5 of the development. The ANC commissioners will meet with the developers over the next month […]