Parks & Recreation

The Southwest Neighborhood Assembly continues to spearhead the revitalization of our parks and recreation centers.  This month we’re particularly pleased to announce a double feature for the August Movie Night  in coordination with Councilmember Tommy Wells (see flyer below).  The Kankouran West African Dance Company will kick off the evening at 7:30 pm.  It will be Kankouran’s first performance in Southwest.  The company has been practicing at the Randall Recreation Center for many years, but may soon be without a home.  No need to bring a picnic basket: food trucks will be on hand!  And mark your calendar for August 25 for the all-day “Summer in Lansburgh Park” (stay tuned for more details).

Youth Activities

We’re pleased that DPR is on track with its various efforts in Southwest, whether the RFP to solicit a non-profit services provider for the Randall Recreation building or the Lansburgh Park basketball courts.  New recreational equipment funded via the Assembly’s Youth Activities Task Force (YATF) will be delivered to King-Greenleaf within the month.  To provide further support, the Assembly voted this month to become a DPR Programmatic Partner.  This arrangement will facilitate our ability to offer programming at DPR facilities.  The Assembly also finalized a partnership agreement with the Lansburgh Park Community Garden Group who in turn completed DPR’s application process to develop gardens at Lansburgh.

This month the Assembly’s YATF is pleased to announce it’s now accepting requests for financial aid.  Refer to the more detailed announcement in September’s Southwester. The YATF also updated it’s operating procedures and adopted a new user-friendly grant application form.  Separately, the YATF decided to co-sponsor a College-for-Kids program for Southwesters.  It will be in partnership with the National Congress of Black Women.

Southwest Heritage

With the rapid transformation of our community, the Assembly has been working to promote our social fabric and built environment and are pleased to have worked toward a significant improvement of the interpretive program now lining Southwest’s streets.  Stay tuned for the formal announcement next month.  In the meantime, we kicked off a Southwest heritage ‘road show’ at Capitol Park Towers.

Southwest Duck Pond

The Neighbors of the Southwest Duck Pond, an Assembly partner is hosting the Little Farm Stand  this Saturday August 11 from 11 am – 3 pm.  The Neighbors are fundraising to support needed rehabilitation of the park.  Large or small, donations can be easily made via Razoo.

Fun Run/Walk

Many Southwesters fondly remember Mandarin Oriental’s successful Fun Run/Walk.  This year’s proceeds will go toward the Amidon-BowenPTA, of which the Assembly recently became a fiscal sponsor.

SW Artsfest

Southwest’s own festival of the arts transpires September 29.  For more information, to donate or volunteer, visit our blog.  The all-day event will include a central art market that is now welcoming artists; you can contact our vendor, Wuiping Yap directly.

Environmental Justice

The next meeting of the Southwest DC Environmental Justice Group will be tonight, August 9th @ 7pm in the SWNA/ANC office at 1101 4th Street SW Ste #120 (across from Safeway).  Topics will include bus idling, construction impacts, toxic contamination, power plant pollution, and other items individuals wish to pursue.

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