On the beautiful sunny morning of Sept. 29th, at 10 a.m., Ms. Hugee’s 5th grade class boarded the Pride of Baltimore II. The weather was a perfect 65 degrees. Chief Mate, Hank Moseley, and crewmate Christine McCormick, led the class to the ship. The kids were a bit nervous boarding and […]
Highlights of Monthly PSA 105 Meeting
September 20, 2012, 7-8:30 P.M., River Park Cooperative Homes Participants: Sgt. Michael Architzel (substituting for Lt. Nicholas Gallucci); Naomi Monk and Irv Gamza, PSA 105 meeting coordinators/facilitators and John McGrath, recorder. A total of 22 persons were in attendance. 1. Sgt. Architzel reviewed the crime statistics year-to-date through September 3, […]