The ANC 6D held its monthly meeting on May 11 at 7 p.m. An officer from First District MPD gave a PSA report discussing a recent shooting at the Greenleaf Recreation Center. Some of the center’s property was damaged in the incident, but has since been repaired. The Police Department is also looking for a host for its monthly PSA 105 public safety meetings, which are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month. They would like to rotate the locations of these meetings each month, as they had in the past. Anyone able to host these meetings at their building on an occasional basis is encouraged to contact the First District MPD.
The ANC meeting was well attended, with a number of residents from Capitol Park Tower present. Commissioner Rachel Reilly Carroll appeared on behalf of the apartment complex to provide an update on renovation efforts. The complex has upgraded the lobby, gym, and laundry room. Two new buildings are planned, one seven stories high and the other four stories. Several residents voiced their concerns over the renovation efforts and the destruction of several trees in the area.
Representatives of Mill Creek Places also appeared to give an update on the construction efforts for its complex, The View at Waterfront. The proposed buildings will be 85 feet high, with construction expected to start in April 2016 and be completed in November 2018.
The ANC also issued a Letter of Support to DDOT for the quelling of construction truck traffic in the area.
A representative appeared on behalf of “MuralsDC,” an organization that replaces illegal graffiti with artistic works. The organization is currently working to provide an artistic piece for Eagle Academy.
Last, it was announced that the ANC’s administrative assistant is leaving and the commission is seeking applications for the position. The position is paid and on a part-time basis (approximately 40 hours a month.) Interested applicants should contact Roger Moffatt, ANC 6D chairman ( The commission’s next meeting will be on June 8.
By: Dave Balajthy