Thanks to a grant from Near Southeast Community Partners (NSCP) through the CSX Community Mitigation Fund, the Amidon-Bowen Elementary School PTA was able to purchase and install a new electronic school sign.
The old Amidon sign was installed about 25 years ago, long before merger between Amidon and Bowen. The only way to change the message board on the old sign was to stand on the brick ledge and insert letters. This was a tough task, especially in inclement weather.
The new sign displays the Amidon-Bowen name and our tiger and academic logos in the school colors of orange and blue.
The electronic, variable message board can be updated easily from inside the school. I’m sure you will agree that the new sign brings a modern impression to the school and will be one way to keep the community informed about happenings at Amidon-Bowen.
Messages will begin to appear once the computer software has been installed and training has been completed.
Thanks again to NSCP, CSX, and the community members who serve on the grant review panel for recognizing the need and the community benefit.
By: Martin R. Welles, Esq.
Treasurer, Amidon PTA