By Matt Koehler

responding to a two alarm fire at Carrollsburg in Southwest this past Sunday around 2 p.m.
Smoke damage can be seen on the balconies of units above the burnt out third floor unit
where the fire originated; Courtesy of Rodd Santomauro
Around 2 p.m. on Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, a two alarm fire broke out in a third floor apartment at the north tower of Carrollsburg in Southwest D.C., across from Waterfront Metro.
At least 100 fire and EMS quickly responded to the fire, blocking off a portion of M Street between 4th and 3rd Streets, and brought the inferno under control before it spread. Several people had to be rescued from their balconies as smoke filled up the hallway. Smoke damage heavily coated the several balconies above where the fire occurred, blackening their facades.
Two cats were left in the burning apartment and sadly succumbed to the fire and smoke. Fortunately, there were no other fatalities or major injuries, although one person was taken to a local hospital and treated for exposure.
There was serious smoke damage to the hallway of the third floor and the above units, as well as water damage to the units below the fire. One resident, who lives in the same building but on the opposite side of the fire described the damage this way:
“Fortunately, I live below where the fire started, and on the other side of the hallway, so I did not suffer any damage. The people who are on the 3rd floor, where the fire originated were not able to go home, and will not be able to for several days. The 3rd tier (103, 203, 303, etc.) all suffered damage. All of the hallways are smoky. The 4th and 5th floors have soot in them, even the ones across the hall. I don’t know about floors 6, 7 and 8 as far as what it is like inside the units facing west (the side the fire was on), but I checked on a friend’s place on the 7th floor facing east and it was fine.”
The cause of the fire is unknown and authorities are still assessing what caused the blaze.
A resident stands on her balcony and watches
on as flames and smoke pour out from the
unit next door; Courtesy of Matt KoehlerSmoke damage done to other units on the third floor; Courtesy of Gina Genis