By Southwester Staff

Twenty-five years ago, Colin Hall began his first assignment with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in the First District, which includes Southwest. Last year, he returned to the First District, taking on the role of Commander in July 2023. As Commander Hall marks his one-year anniversary in the role, shared insights on what the job entails with The Southwester

Hall described his role as a 24-7 position that involves engaging with the community, overseeing the condition of the First District station in Southwest, the Sub-Station on Capitol Hill, the dozens of automobiles used by the First District, and managing his team of officers. Hall also takes on the responsibility of developing and executing a plan to deter crime and enforce DC laws in the First District. 

Hall attends a daily meeting with other District Commanders and senior command staff, including the Chief of Police. He then relays the information he learns to his three captains. The team devises a custom strategy which is relayed to the lieutenants managing each of the 8 Police Service Areas (PSAs) in the First District. 

As part of his community engagement, Hall explained that on a recent day, he also met with fifth-grade students, held a crime walk in the H Street corridor with local officials and community members, and attended Field Day with the 1D Outreach Team at Watkins Elementary. 

Citizens wanting to engage on issues of public safety are invited to attend the monthly 1D Citizens Advisory Council meeting that covers all of First District ( or the monthly Southwest Police Service area meeting for PSA 103 and 105 ( Residents of PSA 106 on the Eastern side of South Capitol Street can email Lt. Kenneth Taylor for information at

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