September 20, 2012, 7-8:30 P.M., River Park Cooperative Homes
Participants: Sgt. Michael Architzel (substituting for Lt. Nicholas Gallucci); Naomi Monk and Irv Gamza, PSA 105 meeting coordinators/facilitators and John McGrath, recorder. A total of 22 persons were in attendance.
1. Sgt. Architzel reviewed the crime statistics year-to-date through September 3, 2012 compared to 2011: (a) there have been two murders by stabbing in 2012; there were no murders last year; (b) Robbery is down 10.9% (41 vs. 46); several robberies or attempted robberies involved juveniles, but no juvenile arrests have been made; (c) Assault with a Deadly Weapon (ADW) is down 11.8% (30 vs. 34); ADW includes instances of domestic violence; (d) Burglary is up 12.1% (37 vs. 33); a First Police District (ID)-wide burglary squad has been formed by Commander Hickson; (e) Theft (includes shoplifting, bicycle theft and theft of property in government building) is down 5.2% (146 vs. 154); (f) Theft from Auto is up significantly 90.7% (82 vs. 43); police warn residents to lock all valuables including GPS devices in the trunk of your car; and (g) Stolen Auto is down significantly 52.9% (24 vs. 51). All told PSA 105 is second in crime reduction among all PSAs in ID.
2. Sgt. Architzel also noted an increase in police attention in the 1200 block of Delaware Ave. SW, the 200 block of N St. SW, and the O St. Circle SW (300 O St.) in response to complaints about open-air drug sales. There are many arrests for misdemeanor possession of drugs in any month, but drug-related activity is steady year-to-year in PSA 105.
3. The recent theft of equipment from the SW Branch Library is believed by police investigators to have been instigated by a library employee and is related to thefts at other DC branch libraries.
4. A River Park resident reported juveniles have been jumping the perimeter fence near the 300 O St. SW circle. Marijuana use on River Park property is suspected. The River Park Security Committee Chairperson promised to follow up on these reports.
5. In response to audience questions about property crimes reported to the police, particularly vandalism to a vehicle, police acknowledged that technical problems in the ID automated reporting system may sometimes cause data/reports to be dropped from the system.
6. When in doubt, call 911 about suspicious activity or to report illegal traffic activity.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 18, 2012, 7-8:30 p.m., Potomac Place, 800 4th St. SW.
By John McGrath