Andy Litsky, AARP-DC Executive Council member and Chair, ANC 6D Commission, installed the 2014 officers and committee chairs of the AARP Southwest Waterfront Chapter #4751 at its first meeting of the year on January 15th. He administered the oath of office to (L to R) Betty Jean Tolbert Jones, president; Evelyn B. Dorsey, vice president; Julia Lindsay, assistant secretary/treasurer; Inez Davis, membership; Ethel Davis, amenities; Elaine Graves, public relations; Wanda Peace, hospitality; and Joan King, hospitality. Not pictured: Paul Leddy, secretary/treasurer; Dorothy Bryan, legislative; and Kathleen Byrd, hospitality.
PROGRAM: The Preservation of the dynamic history, culture and legacy of Prince George’s County African Americans captured through the historical programs and exhibits of the Prince George’s County African American Museum and Cultural Center (PGCAAMCC).
SPEAKERS: Dr. Jacqueline F. Brown, Executive Director, and staff members of the Prince George’s County African American Museum and Cultural Center. The program coincides with the 2014 National Black History Theme: Civil Rights in America.
Current AARP members and new prospective members are welcome. River Park Mutual Home’s community room, 1311 Delaware Ave SW. For further information, contact Chapter President Betty Jean Tolbert Jones, bettyjeantolbertjones@
Cost: $5.00 for lunch.
By: Elaine Graves