Highlights of Monthly PSA 105 Meeting

October 18, 2012, 7-8:30 P.M., Potomac Place, 800 4th St. SW Participants : Sgt. Michael Architzel (substituting for Lt. Nicholas Gallucci) and Officer Vogel, PSA 105; Sgt. Woodland (PSA 102 – in training); Naomi Monk and Irv Gamza, PSA 105 meeting coordinators/facilitators and John McGrath, recorder; Carolyn Smith, 1D Outreach; […]

Want to Go? ‘Pullman Porter Blues’ at Arena Stage

WHAT: Cheryl L. West’s Pullman Porter Blues (World premiere co-production with Seattle Seattle Repertory Theatre) WHERE:  Kreeger Theater WHEN: Nov. 23, 2012 to January 6, 2013 TICKETS AND INFORMATION:  Call 202-554-9066 (General) or 202-488-3300 (Sales) or check online at http://www.arenastage.org SOUTHWEST NIGHT: December 26 at 12:00 Climb aboard the Panama […]