Joseph Curtis took this photo in 1949 of a group of shops on 4th Street, SW, including the former site of Frank’s Department store, across the street from current-day Amidon-Bowen Elementary School. The owner of Frank’s sued the government because it deemed the area “blighted” at the time this photo […]
Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid Launches Spring Food Drive
By Katrina Avila Embodying its mission not just in name but through unwavering action, Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid (SYC/W6MA) has consistently demonstrated a steadfast commitment to serving all our neighbors and providing essential support to Black and Brown residents across DC. SYC/W6MA does this by actively engaging in […]
Southwest Neighborhood Assembly Honors Local Leader Charles “Chuck” Hicks, Celebrates Black History Month
By Isaac Welch On Monday, February 26, 2024, the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA) recognized activist and community organizer Charles “Chuck” Hicks with the Outstanding Leadership Award during their annual Black History Month Celebration. Held in the Molly Smith Study at Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theatre, this […]
Titanic Memorial Park Hosts April Events to Commemorate History
By Terry Bunton, Board of Directors, Friends of Titanic Memorial Park In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic. Since 1968, the Titanic Memorial has stood at 4th Street SW and P Street SW. The local community and Friends of Titanic Memorial […]
St. Matthew Lutheran Church to Host Children’s Easter Party
By Southwester Staff The annual children’s Easter party will be held in St. Matthew Lutheran Church’s courtyard on Saturday March 30, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be games to play, crafts to make and refreshments to enjoy, as well as a chance for families to take home […]
National Symphony Orchestra to Perform Across Southwest and Southeast
By Southwester Staff In March, the National Symphony Orchestra will collaborate with various communities in Wards 6 and 8 to amplify joy, unity, and shared humanity through music and the arts. Partnering with local schools, museums, and organizations, we will honor the history of these neighborhoods, while also building new […]
Ward 6 Mutual Aid Marks Fourth Anniversary
By Katrina Avila Celebrating its fourth anniversary on March 15, Ward 6 Mutual Aid (W6MA) emerged in 2020 to address community needs. Founded in 2009, Serve Your City (SYC) pivoted in 2020 to become W6MA’s lead partner. Together with almost 100 community partner organizations, SYC/W6MA has worked diligently to address […]