Remembering Jackie Robinson

Last month the Washington Nationals, in conjunction with DC Public Schools, Warner Brothers, and the Regal Gallery Theater, treated nearly 400 high school students from 14 DC schools to a special showing of the film “42,” which highlights the impact of Jackie Robinson’s legacy on American history. Following the screening, […]

DC High School Baseball Teams Get to Be Major Leaguers for a Day

Adjacent to the Anacostia River in Washington, DC, a quick 10-minute drive from Nationals Park, sits Anacostia High School. The young men on the school’s baseball team follow the Washington Nationals’ every game and consider players like pitcher Steven Strasburg their role models. For Anacostia’s senior pitcher and team captain, Alonzo […]

What will the hotels on the Wharf be like?

Plans for two hotels in the Wharf development were presented to the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6D at their last meeting. These will be just northwest of 7th Street, on the waterfront, in Parcel 5 of the development. The ANC commissioners will meet with the developers over the next month […]