Tiber Island Declared Historic Landmark

The D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board voted on May 24 to approve Tiber Island’s application for historic designation. As a historic landmark, Tiber Island is now included in the District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites.  The Board further recommended that Tiber Island’s nomination be forwarded to the National Register […]

Southwest Real Estate Update

By Jason Martin As a local Southwest real estate agent I frequently get asked “How is the Southwest real estate market doing?”  D.C. is a unique market because of the many submarkets it has, such as Southwest.  I hope that you will find the information below useful as it focuses […]

Secretary Ray LaHood celebrates reading with students, mentors

  By Meg Brinckman and Ron McBee The success of 126 Amidon-Bowen students and their mentors was celebrated at an “Everybody Wins Power Lunch” in late May, highlighting the achievement of having read 1,476 books together. Mary Salander, Executive Director of EW!DC, explained the benefits of the program, in which […]