Two new Commissioners made their first appearances at the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6D meeting January 14. They are Ed Kaminski and Donna Hopkins. Ed Kaminski was elected vice chair and Donna Hopkins was elected secretary of the commission for 2013.

Ed Kaminski made an effort to explain the reason for a resolution that was being passed. The resolution requested that the mayor delay any substantial development in Southwest until a Small Area Plan is made. He said that Southwest has a lot of public land and developers are making proposals for pieces of it, but the area should have a comprehensive plan before individual areas are allocated.

Donna Hopkins moved to end debate on a request by the DC Department of Transportation for the ANC to approve erection of a one hundred foot by one hundred foot tent in Lansburg Park during the inauguration. The discussion had strayed from the subject. Debate was stopped and the vote was unanimous to support the tent. Donna also acted as secretary during the meeting.

Eulois Clechly of the DC Department of Transportation reported on the preparations for the inauguration. The crowd is expected to be less than half of that at the inauguration four years ago, but many streets will be blocked off and parking of cars and buses will only be allowed in certain areas.

Martin Wells announced that the Amidon-Bowen PTA meets on the second Tuesday at 6 p.m. It will meet on February 12 at the school.

Officer Andrew Ford, Supervisory Special Agent of the CSX railroad announced that the railroad is establishing a force of three community relations police because of the work on the Virginia Ave tunnel. The CSX police office will be at 861 New Jersey Ave. One of the officers is a K-9 expert. He has a dog trained to detect explosives. CSX has their own security force, with 200 agents on the east coast of the country. All are welcome to call Officer Ford with any concerns about the railroad. His cell number is 215-356-0803. You can call the CSX police at 1-800-232-0144 and then press 8#, or 1-800-TELL CSX.

The commission voted unanimously to not support the plans presented by Dennis Hughes of Monument Realty for the development of a twelve story office building before the zoning Commission. The site is One M St. SE, at M St and South Capitol Street. Chairman Andy Litsky said, “We have not gotten a building that is responsive to its place.” Ed Kaminski will be the spokesperson for the ANC at the Zoning Commission.

The commission held its annual election of officers. Besides the new members being elected vice chair and secretary, Chairman Litsky was reelected and Ron McBee was elected treasurer.

By B.K. Lunde

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