Seven of Southwest’s homeowners associations have joined forces with the Office of Planning (DCOP) to lead an effort for underpass improvements between residential and Federal Southwest. The Waterfront Gateway Neighborhood Association, an affiliation of six homeowners groups north of I St SW, and the Capitol Park IV Condominium Owners Association are preparing a recommendations document to DCOP to highlight their concerns and make recommendations on how they feel the underpasses could be improved in terms of both safety and aesthetics.

On Saturday, June 1st, interested parties will meet at the 4th & G St sidewalk park at 1:00pm to undertake a walking tour of the underpasses to include 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th Streets, and Maine Avenue SW. Angela Kordyak will be the walk leader, with Jim Dougherty photographing the structures and Jane Connolly acting as scribe to capture participants comments and suggestions.

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