“Stories for a Season of Expectation,” told by Tara Ramsey and Bruce Crane, is the program for St. Augustine’s Art & Music Coffeehouse on Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. The 7 p.m. program at the church at 600 M St SW includes coffee and desserts served throughout the evening, followed by a Q&A session.
Ramsey and Crane, along with others, will tell stories that point the way to the themes of hope and expectation that mark the Advent Season.
The program, featuring long-time, dedicated parishioners and others, all talented storytellers, promises to be an inspirational and entertaining evening.
The Southwest Episcopal Church’s Art & Spirit Coffeehouse series opens on the first Wednesday of each month to showcase local artists in their various media as they perform and share how their faith, art, and social worldview intersect, according to the Rev. Martha Clark, Priest-in-Charge at St. Augustine’s. Donations will be accepted to help provide honoraria for the guest artists. Contact rector@staugustinesdc.org, 202-554-3222 or visit www.staugustinesdc.org for further information.

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