Dirt, Ground, Earth, Land, a unique film initiated in 1977 by Howard University film professor and DC filmmaker Alonzo Crawford, in collaboration with the residents of Carrollsburg Place, will be shown at Westminster Church, 400 I St SW, on March 29th at 1:00 p.m. A lifelong advocate of “community film-making,” Professor Crawford met some residents of Carrollsburg Place and learned of their concern surrounding substandard housing conditions and their complaints about a particular unresponsive landlord. Crawford invited them to share their concerns and tell their story using the medium of film, creating this dramatic piece that speaks to their collective experience. Residents became so motivated and inspired by the process that they extended their complaints in a legal action against the landlord during which this film, the crew (a collaboration of Carrollsburg residents and Howard film students), and Professor Crawford, were subpoenaed as evidence. The verdict ultimately favored the residents.

Professor Crawford will be on hand on March 29th to present the film, followed by a time of reflection and discussion about its meaning and the process of making it.

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