The annual (e)merge art exhibit show was held at the Capitol Skyline Hotel recently.  Here are a few photos.
(photo caption: Holly Bass, an artist from Adams Morgan, built a small house and gave performances called “Black Space Rent Party” and “Housewarming” that flourished in the black neighborhoods of DC in the 1920s-1940s.)
(photo caption: Madeleine Cutrona’s “Bargain Basement University” printed Bachelor of Arts degrees for anyone who wanted a college degree, but the certificate made it clear that it didn’t guarantee the “graduate” would be able to find a job.)
(photo caption: Karine Felleni’s “Continuence” consisted of a line of tape formed in circles and shapes, which she created over the course of the exhibit, representing a sequential stream of movements in time.)
(photo caption: James Bernard Cole and a friend, both graduates of the Corcoran School of Art, exhibited plastic duck decoys in the Skyline Hotel pool, representing The George Washington University’s recent luring of students and staff with promises of a better education.)
Photos courtesy of Perry Klein

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