Over the past six years, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church has sold Christmas trees at cost to the Southwest community from its property at 222 M St. SW. This year they are doing something new. There will be a Christmas tree giveaway on Saturday, Dec. 13.

The Rev. Phillip C. Huber, pastor of St. Matthew’s, said, “We are very grateful for the support the community has given us as we have worked through the development process for building the new St. Matthew’s Church. With anticipated groundbreaking in the second quarter of 2015, this will be the last time, for a couple of years, we can have the Christmas tree outreach event on our property. So, to say thank you to the community, we decided to give the trees away this year. Giving them away is consistent with the congregation’s goals for this event: to let the community know we are still here, show the community the new church design, and do something of value for the community. We have never made a profit from this event.”

The Christmas tree giveaway will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Dec. 13 and until 1:00 p.m. trees will be given to previous customers. Previous customers need to send an email to the church (stmatthewsdc@hughes.net) by Thursday, Dec. 11 at noon so that they can receive a verification email with an identification number. After 1:00 p.m., any remaining trees will be given to the community at large. New customers can pick up a reservation number for a tree at the lot during the 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. time period.

The congregation will also be offering free food and beverages for the community and a free Christmas CD, while supplies last.

By: Rev. Phillip C. Huber

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