Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBM-HH) is proposing to erect a temporary fire station in the Fort McNair Historic District. The project would involve installing a temporary building on the basketball court on the east side of the north parade ground. The temporary tent-like structure would house two fire trucks while the adjacent building, historic Quarters 28, would be used to house on-call fire fighters. The interim fire station would provide services to Fort McNair until funding becomes available to build a permanent fire station in the northeast corner of the installation.
The DC Historic Preservation Office has determined that the temporary building would have an adverse visual effect on the historic parade ground and the nearby historic quarters. To continue the National Historic Preservation Act consultation, JBM-HH has invited consulting parties to comment, including the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, ANC 6D, SWNA, and the DC Preservation League. Comments are requested by Jan. 11, 2015.