Amidon-Bowen held it’s 2015 Family Fun Day event on Halloween at the school. Events included Wii dancing, imagination foam blocks, basketball, tennis, and activities on the playground.
Thanks to the new flat screen televisions, which were installed in the cafeteria, a Wii system was installed for the event, which proved to be a huge hit as kids danced up a storm. The adults joined in as we had a mini dance contest! A costume parade started in the cafeteria and worked its way around the school to three candy stations, where all the kids received Halloween treats. The parade was followed by a cook-out by the Amidon PTA.
More than 120 people attended the event and everyone had a blast. The Amidon PTA, Near Southeast Community Partners, Edgewood Brookland Collaborative, Principal Miller, teachers, staff, and volunteers all worked together to make this event a huge success.
By: Bruce DarConte
Near Southeast Community Partners
Amidon PTA/LSA