Photo caption: Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (seated at table), listens to Syphax Gardens residents’ concerns in a meeting organized by Rhonda Hamilton, president of the Syphax Resident Council (standing). Rhonda is also the advisiory neighborhood commissioner that represents the Syphax Gardens area.
Photo courtesy of Perry Klein.
Last week, I spoke with residents living in ANC 6D06 at a “Norton In Your Neighborhood” community meeting to give residents an update on congressional issues of interest to the community. After ANC 6D06 Commissioner Rhonda Hamilton reached out to my office, I wrote a letter to DC Department of Energy and Environment Director Tommy Wells, referring to his office, DC United, and Pepco several health and environmental concerns raised by DC residents related to the planned Buzzard Point DC United soccer stadium construction, the nearby Pepco substation, and a concrete facility in Southwest. The concerns are exclusively under the city’s local control, but I wanted to make sure the concerns of residents were being met with appropriate outreach by the city and the involved organizations.
I am pleased to report that after I sent my letter, I got a request from Director Wells asking for a meeting. I will certainly meet with him, but because the issues raised are local and outside my federal jurisdiction, I will continue to refer these matters to city officials.
Excerpted from Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s newsletter.