Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall announces its next quarterly public open house of Grant Hall’s historic third-floor courtroom from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 4. Located on the Fort McNair portion of the joint base, the courtroom is the site of the military tribunal, held from May through June 1865, of those thought responsible for the plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.

Members of the public are invited to attend the free event. Guests without a Department of Defense, federal, or Automated Installation Entry ID are required to register to attend at

Or go to the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Facebook Events Page at, and then click on the “find tickets” tab to access the reservation site.

If your computer servers does not allow you to access the registration site, email your reservation to Full names of all attendees are required, as well as a valid telephone number and email address.

Information may also be found online at

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