SW Waterfront AARP Business Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14

The Southwest Waterfront AARP Chapter 4751 will hold its Monthly Luncheon Business Meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at noon. The Guest Speaker is Dr. Regina Harrison, Professor Emerita in Latin American Literatures and Comparative Literatures at the University of Maryland. The program features a presentation on “Ruins and Rare Species: […]

New Look for SWNA

The Southwest Neighborhood Assembly Board of Directors is pleased to unveil the new look of SWNA. While our old logo served us well for several years, we decided to give our logo a refresh. This effort follows the rebranding of our newspaper, “The Southwester,” which occurred last year. In the […]

Op-Ed: No Progress on Greenleaf Redevelopment?

The fate of Greenleaf residents and of public housing overall is a persistent concern to all residents of Southwest, reflecting the Southwest Small Area Plan’s vision for the community to remain “an exemplary model of equity and inclusion, …a diversity of races, ages and income levels.” As Greenleaf residents’ anxiety […]