By Katelynd Anderson, Outgoing Editor-in-Chief, “The Southwester”

This issue is my last issue as Editor-in-Chief, as I am leaving the neighborhood to put down roots in another quadrant of the District. It is only fitting that my last “official act” as a Southwest resident is to bid adieu to this neighborhood through the medium that gave me some of my first insights into the community—and opened so many doors to meeting countless neighbors.

When I first moved to SWDC 8 years ago, I never could have imagined the wonderful, vibrant, welcoming group of neighbors that I would have the opportunity to meet. Southwest is so much more than a zip code or area on a map. It is a community as unique as each of its residents. 

I am truly humbled to have had the privilege of seeing this neighborhood through a new and unique lens during my time as Editor-in-Chief. “The Southwester” is something special—having survived 56 years, in a day and age when most of us absorb the news in mere seconds by scrolling through a mini computer we are holding with one hand. I truly believe that this paper’s longevity is because of the community that believes so deeply in its neighbors. 

Each of you who reads the articles, contributes words and photos, and challenges us to be better and do better—you are all a part of this chapter of this story of our neighborhood. And for that, I am personally grateful. This paper is much more than just one person or a group of people. 

I hope that you continue to be engaged in SWDC, be it volunteering with one of the plethora of organizations, attending an ANC meeting, or meeting neighbors at one of the wonderful and unique community events like Sunday Suppers at the Duck Pond. 

No matter how you choose to engage, take a moment to pause and watch a Southwest sunset. It is something truly magical and unique, leaving you in awe at a fleeting moment. There is nothing else like it, nor like this community. 

Thank you. 

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