By Robert St. Cyr

Last year, in partnership with Southwest Neighborhood Assembly’s Education and Scholarship Task Force, Community Scholar started a tutoring program at Amidon-Bowen. Tutors have completed training and are now working with students for the second year of this successful program.
Thank you for all of our neighbors who are tutoring young people at Amidon-Bowen Elementary School this year for their service to the community. This includes our Tutor of the Month: Una Yarsky! Learn more about Una:
How long have you lived in SW?
I have lived in SW for 10 years.
What do you do in your professional life?
I am a student.
What made you get involved in the tutoring program at Amidon-Bowen?
I heard about the program through my neighbor and the program’s director, Robert St. Cyr.
Describe your favorite moment so far from the program.
My favorite moment is my first meeting with my student. I was worried we wouldn’t hit it off but I enjoy her personality and respect her work ethic.
What is one thing you enjoy, appreciate, or respect about your student (or students, but please be specific)?
I respect how my student is willing to take on challenge problems. She isn’t deterred if she doesn’t understand a concept at first, and is always willing to try again.
Why should other SW community members consider joining the program as tutors next year?
The tutoring program is an excellent way to become more involved with the community.
To learn more about the program or sign up to participate as a volunteer, contact Robert St. Cyr at To make a tax-deductible donation to support the program, visit, search for Southwest Neighborhood Assembly Inc. and select the SWNA Education Task Force as the recipient. You can also write a check to the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly, note “Education Fund” in the memo line and mail it to SWNA Attn: Education Fund, PO Box 70131 Washington, DC 20024.