A map provided by the District Department of Transportation show protected bike lanes currently under construction.
By Southwester Staff
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is installing new bike lanes in Southwest, resulting in construction through Winter 2023. The bike lanes are being installed along 4th Street SW from P Street SW to I Street SW, and on I Street SE/SW from 7th St SW to 4th St SE.
This project will reconfigure the street to include protected bike lanes and additional pedestrian crosswalks. The work will reposition lane lines but will not repave the street. DDOT is coordinating with electric utility PEPCO and will postpone installing protected bike lanes on the portion of I Street SW from 4th SW to Delaware Avenue SW during the installation of new capital grid powerlines under the street over the coming months.
The Southwester has previously reported on significant community input regarding this project, with community concerns around the dropoff/pickup zone at Amidon-Bowen Elementary School and a reduction in available street parking.
Citywide, DDOT has committed to a 206-mile network of on-street protected bicycle lanes to promote safe biking. There are currently 26 miles of protected bike lanes, with plans to build an additional 10 miles per year. According to the department, protected bike lanes have a proven safety effect on streets where they are installed, reducing crashes for all roadway users by 15%, or more when paired with additional safety treatments.