Grantees and donors recently attended the 2013 annual meeting of Friends of Southwest DC (FOS), which reported on the organization’s activities for the 2012 year.
Arena Stage, The Southwest Neighborhood Assembly, the Southwest Comm-Unity Forum, DC Sail, and EmmaUS received awards from FOS during 2012 and reported on both how their award was used in the SW neighborhood, as well as other activities of their organizations. The donors also voted unanimously to support the amended and updated Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws for FOS, which bring us into compliance with the new DC Non-profit Law.
The theme of most of the awards and activities was support of youth: through scholarships, development, performance of theater projects, activities at the SW Community Day, and learning about safe water habits and safe sailing.
Two Board members retired: Keith Melder, one of the founding members of FOS who has been on the Board since 1998; and Ezra Naughton, who completed one three-year term. We thank both of them for their advice and support of FOS. Since we have vacancies on the Board, if you are interested in serving on the Board or volunteering in other ways, please get in touch with Coralie Farlee, whose contact information is below.
Since 1998 when we organized as Friends of River Park, we have provided grants totaling almost $115,000 with the missions of supporting community development, educational, and charitable projects to organizations in Southwest DC. The grants program has always consisted of over 85% or more of income, with administrative costs always low – approximately 10-15%, largely because of the volunteer efforts and contributions of Board members.
We look forward to a year of increased visibility, activities, and awards. To make suggestions for our consideration, make a donation, volunteer to help, or apply for a grant, please contact: Coralie Farlee, President, Friends of Southwest DC, 389 O St SW, WDC; or 202-554-4407.
By Coralie Farlee
President, Friends of Southwest DC