The PSA 105 monthly meeting for July 2013 was held in the First Police District Headquarters Community Room at 101 M St SW. Preceding the meeting, Mary Williams and over 25 residents of Carrollsburg Place and Half St SW discussed quality of life issues which then transitioned into concerns about crime and safety in PSA 105 with Sgt Michael Architzel. Among the issues discussed with the police were:
- Possible illegal parking by cars and buses in SW near Nationals Park.
- Allowable noise levels from events near Nationals Park as well as existing businesses in SE and SW.
- Public drinking near Cap Liquor (1300 block of South Capitol St). The police noted that changes in DC regulations now permit home owners to drink on private property in public (front yards, porches, etc.).
- Concerns about the effectiveness of police enforcement of curfew laws and student truancy. Police stated that there was aggressive enforcement underway.
- Continuing concerns about (1) illegal left turns (4th St onto M St SW); and (2) dangerous right turns from the South Capitol St center lanes onto N St SW.
- Drug enforcement throughout DC. The police noted that enforcement efforts are now concentrated in each police district rather than citywide. Continuing concerns about drug activity in the O St Circle (300 O St SW) were noted.
- There were no questions about violent crime such as robbery or assault with a dangerous weapon (ADW), but police noted that two recent homicides were closed promptly and the perpetrators were apprehended. One other homicide involving an assault in 2009 resulted in a death in 2013.
Overall, police have demonstrated remarkable success in reducing or leveling violent and property crimes in PSA 105 in recent years. Police continue to stress vigilance on the part of citizens and urge themĀ to call 911 for any crime in progress as well as to report patterns of suspicious activity to establish a track record for follow up by the police.
By: Irv Gamza and John McGrath, PSA 105