Nicla De Biasi and Eleanor Holt attended TEDxYouth@ColumbiaHeights on Nov. 21 at the Gala Hispanic Theatre. The Southwest Business Improvement District (SWBID), in partnership with the SWNA Education and Scholarship Task Force, sponsored them at the event. (SWBID was willing to sponsor 20.)

The event’s goal was to connect the 170 youth in attendance to new ideas, opportunities, and each other, thereby helping students grow as individuals who can positively impact their communities. It was a success for these students. They liked the diversity of the 11 speakers. The session they found most fascinating was about the Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute, a new accredited university program where students live in seven of the world’s greatest cities during their four years of college. During the event, they were encouraged to tweet and use other social media outlets to share this innovative idea.

These young ladies are already giving back to Southwest and the larger community.  Nicla is a Sunday school teacher’s aide at Westminster Presbyterian Church and completes numerous service projects through her Girl Scouts troop. Eleanor is a junior counselor at skating camp, a math tutor, and a Sunday school teacher’s aide.

By bringing an opportunity for students to participate in a program of this caliber, SWBID is exceeding the community’s expectations as well as beautifying the neighborhood.

For more information about this event, go to

By: Vyllorya Evans

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