Op-Ed: It’s Time to Bring Douglass Community Land Trusts to Southwest

By Coy McKinney of SW Action The Southwest neighborhood needs a community and justice-oriented approach to development. For too long, for-profit developers have been allowed to shift the relatively diverse demographics of our neighborhood into one that is predominantly wealthy and White, with retail that caters to those spending habits. […]

Debut Book Release by SW Author

By Southwester Staff On March 31, a local 26-year-old author, Bianca Kersellius, released her first book, a memoir entitled InDEBTed: Stories of Surviving Debt, Inequity and Obtaining Freedom. InDEBTed takes readers on a vivid journey unpacking the rigorous reality of Bianca’s life as a young Black woman in America, with […]

Where Are They Now?

SWNA Scholarship Recipients, Past and Present By Wilma Goldstein At the 2020 SWNA Scholarship Awards Program, one of the recipients said it would be nice to have caring adults checking in with them while they are at college. Even though many may now be home, the Education and Scholarship Task […]