ANC 6D April Meeting Report

At the April ANC 6D meeting, Genevieve Hanson of the General Services Administration (GSA) presented the Federal Triangle South plan. This includes the Department of Energy’s Forrestal buildings, both the FAA buildings, and GSA’s Regional Office Building. In December, GSA issued a Request for Information on possible uses for these […]

ANC 6D Meeting Report

About fifty people, in addition to the commissioners and staff, attended the March ANC meeting. It was reported that the National Cherry Blossom Festival will run from March 20 to April 14 this year. You can see or ride all kinds of boats, including paddleboards, paddle boats, sail boats with […]

SWNA Announces Board Election Results

On Saturday, March 9, 2013, hundreds of Southwesters cast their ballots for the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA) Board of Directors election. The results are as follows: President: Kael Anderson Vice-President: Kamilla Kovacs Treasurer: Brent Wilson Secretary: Donna Purchase District 1: Jason Kopp, Sam Marrero District 2: Saadia Athias, Daniela Petrilli […]