The Near SE/SW Community Benefits Coordinating Council (CBCC) is looking for additional task force and board membership to strengthen and expand its work. In serving all of ANC 6D’s jurisdiction, CBCC spans both east and west sides of the largest redevelopment in the city, and is the only local organization […]
New CBCC Board Member and New Directions

The Near Southeast/Southwest Community Benefits Coordinating Committee (CBCC) welcomes LaVerne Naughton as its latest addition to the board. Naughton is a native Washingtonian who grew up on Capitol Hill and attended DC public schools. She moved to the Southwest neighborhood in January 2000 with her husband, the late Reverend […]
CBCC Comments on Waterfront Station Parcel Bids
Applying its principles for redevelopment (see The Southwester, November 2015), the Near SE/SW Community Benefits Coordinating Council (CBCC) submitted comments on Oct. 9 to the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) on the three finalists bidding for the 1000 4th Street Waterfront Station Parcel. Although CBCC […]