Amidon-Bowen Opening Day 2015

Photo caption: Teddy the Racing President from the Washington Nationals at Amidon-Bowen’s new playground. Photo caption: Teddy greeting the students. Opening day at Amidon-Bowen is always exciting and this year was no exception. The positive energy shown by all involved, especially the students, was truly encouraging. With all of the planning that […]

Amidon-Bowen Music Teacher Named One of DC’s Best

Though nearly four months have passed since DC Public Schools (DCPS) surprised Para Perry with a $10,000 check honoring her as one of the city’s top teachers, her eyes still well with emotion at the memory. “I’m still pinching myself to make sure it’s real,” she said. Perry was one of seven […]

Passion for Teaching Defines a Stellar Career

(photo caption 1: Amidon-Bowen Second Grade Teacher Beverly Worthington photo caption 2: Worthington stands with some of her second grade students photos courtesy of Beverly Worthington.)   This article is part of a series of profiles of teachers and staff at Amidon-Bowen. Dressed like a corporate executive with an actor’s […]

Test Scores and Athletic Performance Continue to Improve at Amidon-Bowen

Students at Amidon-Bowen continue to demonstrate substantial gains in academics and athletics, and the results are translating into significantly higher projected enrollments for the school. The latest round of Paced Interim Assessment (PIA) test results are in, and Amidon-Bowen students’ scores show significant growth in every grade. In the beginning of the 2013-2014 […]

Reading Is Fundamental Returns Home

On Friday May 10th, after 46 years, Reading is Fundamental (RIF) returned home to where it was founded in 1966 by Margaret McNamara: Amidon-Bowen Elementary School. Amidon’s Principal Izabela Miller welcomed RIF President and CEO Carol Rasco, RIF Board of Director Margaret McNamara-Pastor, DC Public Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson, as […]