When the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library closes for modernization in mid-2017, District residents will have more hours at their neighborhood libraries. DC Public Library Executive Director Richard Reyes-Gavilan made the announcement on Nov. 9 at the first of eight community meetings on the plans for the new Martin Luther […]
DCPL to Host MLK Library Modernization Community Meetings
Starting next month, District residents can learn more about the plans for modernization of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library and plans for library services during construction at community meetings held across the city. The library will host a community meeting in Southwest on Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. at the Southwest Library […]
Know Your Neighborhood: 3D Printing
(photo caption: A few of the items that Editor-in-Chief Shannon Vaughn has had printed include an iPhone case, a grocery bag holder, and chopsticks.) “Hey, you’re already paying for it, so why would you go pay hundreds of dollars?” George asked me. In the past couple of years, 3D printing has taken […]