Photo caption: Scholarship students (first row, left to right): Kiana Livingston, Bianca Kersellius, Haili Blassingame, Sequoia Lucas, and Najma Pettiford. (Second row, left to right): Tiffany Livingston, Roman Hamilton, Gary T. Hill, Tsahai Pettiford, and Attalah Shabazz. Not pictured: Asha Marshall and Marlon Mitchell. Photo caption: Sequoia Lucas with some of her […]
High School Sophomores, Juniors, and Parents: Start College Planning Now!
The college and financial aid planning process can be a confusing puzzle, so SWNA’s Education and Scholarship Task Force invites high school students and their parents to an afternoon with Cynthia Hammond-Davis, a college and financial advisor who has helped many parents and students navigate the process of applying for and getting […]
Southwest DC Youth Attend HBCU Fair
photo caption: (L to R) South Carolina State University Alumna Juanita Wilder, LaVance Parker, and PerChaya Hardison. Youth from Southwest DC attended a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Fair at the Oxon Hill Library in Oxon Hill, Md. on Wednesday, Feb. 25. The event was sponsored by Friends of Oxon […]
SWNA Education Task Force Awards Student Scholarships
On Aug. 16, the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA) Education Task Force (formerly Scholarship Committee) celebrated its 40th year of awarding scholarships to students living in Southwest DC. The awards ceremony was held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, where more than 40 guests, including former scholarship recipients, gathered to meet this year’s […]
Duke Ellington Tribute at Thinking about Jazz
At a recent “Thinking About Jazz” gathering at Westminster Church, 400 I St SW, some 150 music fans paid tribute to an American legend who had also been honored 45 years ago at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW. On February 22nd, author Edward Allan Faine was on hand to discuss his […]