It’s been a busy month at DC Sail which extends its thanks to everyone for their ongoing participation and support of the community sailing program. DC Sail launched a new Schooner Camp, participated in the Floating Homes Tour and wrapped up the “Kids Set Sail” season.
Wednesday Social Sails have been brimming to capacity. Adult lessons, rentals and racing nights are showing an increase in participation, and the DC Sail Schooner, the American Spirit, has been at capacity for the Friday sunset sails.
As if that wasn’t enough, DC Sail raised over $50,000 in scholarships for its kids programs with the Blue Crabs ‘n Bluegrass fundraiser and the help of community participants, donations and sponsors. A special thank you goes to corporate donors Phillips Seafood, LSI, a Metcor Company, The Commonweal Foundation, MSI (Management Systems International), ASME Foundation, Northrop Grumman, Diversified Search and The Wharf, Hoffman-Madison Waterfront.
DC Sail is enormously proud of local youth and their accomplishments with the “Kids Set Sail” program. Last Friday DC Sail wrapped up with participants showing off their skills to friends and family. The pictures say it all. With skill and confidence, kids handled their boats with precision by sailing together around their marks. A big congratulations goes out to the “Kids Set Sail” sailors.
But DC Sail’s season isn’t over yet. The Fourth Annual Cantina Cup Regatta is up next. This event will feature the DC Sail race community along with local sailors from all over the mid-Atlantic region. Converging on the Southwest Waterfront, this terrific event features a full day of sailing with over 100 participants to benefit DC Sail’s adult sailing programs. Sailors will be racing DC Sail’s Lasers, FJs and Flying Scots during the event as well as other keel boat fleets from the area.
Because the adult sailing programs are what fund the youth programs, this is another key fundraiser for DC Sail to ensure continuation and expansion of youth programming this fall and into next season. Cantina Marina and Mount Gay Rum have been key sponsors, and DC Sail plans to encourage additional sponsors in the community and expand registration for this great event.
There is still plenty of time to sign up for DC Sail activities. The best is yet to come with cool breezes in the fall season. Check out www.dcsail.org for more information.