The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has agreed to designate the Near SE/SW Community Benefits Coordinating Council’s Southwest Playground Project as a Park Partner for the 3rd and I Street SW Park, located adjacent to the SW Library.
The official name of the new Park Partner will be the “Friends of 3rd and I SW Park.” A collaboration of meetings will occur between DPR and the Friends of the 3rd and I SW Park to map and begin the planned park improvements which will include repairing the cracked walkways, installing retaining walls, pruning and removing dead trees, and installing playground equipment for children ages 2-12.
The new Friends of 3rd and I SW Park wishes to extend its sincere thanks to Tommy Wells, the ANC6D, the Mandarin Hotel, Safeway Foundation, Mr. Lawrence Impett, Make Kids Smile, CSX Corporation, Bravery Corporation, Station 4 and our Near SE/SW community of neighborhood supporters.
–By Felicia Couts