FRI 3 @ 6:30 P.M. potluck, 7 P.M.  games. St. Augustine’s Game Night. Bring a potluck dish to share. Board and card games provided, but feel free to bring your own games, too. All ages welcome. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW, 202-554-3222 www.staugustinesdc.org  or rector@staugustinesdc.org

SUN 5 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church, Religious Movie Seminar “San Francisco” starring Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDonald, and Spencer Tracy (1936) (115min) and Documentary Profile, Clark Gable: Tall, Dark and Handsome (1996)  FREE. Everyone is welcome. Some people bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW, 202-554-7863.

MON 6 @ 7-8:30 P.M. PAWS of Southwest. The monthly meeting is open to the public in thedownstairs community room of in the SW Neighborhood Library. Also find us PAWS of Southwest on Facebook.

TUES 7 @ 7 P.M. Karin Silverman “Mindfulness and Meditation for Daily Living”. Silverman has been practicing meditation for over 40 years. Join her as she discusses the benefits of meditation and how it improves physical, mental, and spiritual health. Karin will present effective methods for creating a more satisfying life and a deep sense of peace. In this presentation, you will learn effective strategies and a simple but profound meditation technique that will help reduce stress and worry. Participants will have a chance to practice this simple technique that can reduce stress.SW Neighborhood Library.

WED 8 @ 7 P.M. St. Augustine’s Art & Spirit Coffeehouse. “Seeking the Divine” Painter Christine Nicoll Parson works primarily in watercolor on paper or wood with collage. The multi-talented artist describes her galleries as “abstract and collage work, portrait and figure paintings, and liturgical pieces” including stained glass. Coffee and desserts, followed by audience Q&A. Free, donations accepted. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW. 202-554-3222 www.staugustinesdc.org  or rector@staugustinesdc.org

THURS 9 @ 8-9:30  A.M. Councilmember Tommy Wells Southwest Community Office Hours at Channel Inn on the Waterfront located at 650 Water St SW.

SAT 11 @ 1 P.M. DAV Auxiliary, Federal Unit  #1 meets at DAV National & Legislative Headquarters, 807 Maine Ave SW. This meeting is open to family members of military veterans; please join us. For more information, please contact Commander Gloria Simon at ghs919@msn.com or 202-554-0573.

SAT 11 @ 4-5:30 P.M. Experience Yoga Nidra: Westminster Presbyterian Church. Pamela Wilson guides a very deep, conscious relaxation with the opportunity to set your intention. No experience in yoga or meditation necessary. A donation of $10 is suggested. For more information call 202-746-6654 or email email: wilsonpj108@verizon.net

SUN 12 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, 630 E St SW. ‘The Devil at 4 O’clock’  with Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra (1961) (126 minutes) FREE. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW, 202-554-7863.

MON 13 @ 7-10 P.M. ANC6D Monthly Business Meeting, 1100 4th St SW, DCRA Hearing Room on 2nd floor.

WED 15 @ 12 Noon The Southwest Waterfront AARP #4751 chapter. Installation of New AASRP SWWF Chapter Officers. Speaker, the Rev. Mary E. Ivey, a Southwest resident and founder of Maine Avenue Ministries, will present her life story through her autobiography: Another Women at the Well: Truth Reigns Supreme. Autographed books will be available for purchase. Current AARP members and new prospective members are welcome. River Park Mutual Homes community room, 1311 Delaware Ave SW. For further information, contact Chapter President Betty Jean Tolbert Jones, bettyjeantolbertjones@yahoo.com or 202-554-0901.

WED 15 @ 7 P.M. Documentary Films- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Screenings of documentaries presenting the life and work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SW Neighborhood Library, 900 Wesley Pl SW, 202-724-4752.

SUN 19 @ 11 A.M. South African Youth Group Visits, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW. Young Adults from Bokamoso in Winterveldt, South Africa will perform and share their stories during service. A potluck lunch will follow including traditional South African dishes. All welcomewww.westminsterdc.org

SUN 19 @ 2 P.M.  Sunday Matinee Movie, SW Neighborhood Library, call 202-724-4752.

SUN 19 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, 630 E St SW. ‘Angels with Dirty Faces ‘ with James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, and Humphrey Bogart. Featurette Dead End Kids. (1938) (97 minutes) FREE.  Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW, 202-554-7863.

SAT 25 @ 1 P.M. Kitchen Table Book Discussion, SW Neighborhood Library. Copies of the January title “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Copies available for checkout at the library.

SUN 26 @ 6:30 P.M. St. Dominic Church Religious Movie Seminar, 630 E St SW. ‘Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story’ with Moira Kelly and Martin Sheen (1996)  (110 minutes). FREE. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring food to share but there is no obligation. St. Dominic Church, 630 E St SW, 202-554-7863.


ADULTS/SENIORS BINGO BRUNCH, 1-3 P.M., Mondays and Thursdays, at King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW. FREE

BABY and TODDLER STORY TIME, 10:30 A.M., Tuesdays Jan 7th, 14th 21st and 28th. Songs, fingerplays, and games to promote development of literacy skills. SW Neighborhood Library.

BLUES MONDAYS, 6-9 P.M., Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW, Various Blues musicians and singers featured each Monday. $5. Food for sale.

CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30 A.M. St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 600 M St SW. Children ages 3 and older are invited to join our loving and lively Sunday School where they are introduced to a loving God who welcomes and cares for all. Through biblical stories, art, music, and holy play, our children are nurtured in their natural spirituality to grow as the “littlest members” of a community of faith.

COMPUTER CLASSES, Tuesdays 10-12 Noon, SW Neighborhood Library, 724-4752.

TUES  7            Email Basics

TUES  14          Microsoft Word

TUES  21          Microsoft Excel

TUES  28          Microsoft PowerPoint

Feb 4               Introduction to Personal Computers

FAMILY GAME NIGHT, THURSDAYS, 6:30-7:30 P.M. Join the SW Neighborhood Library for game nights! Come play a host of Wii video games or enjoy a nice board game. Thurs 9th, 16th, 23rd &  30th.

HAND DANCING CLASSES, SATURDAYS, 12-2 P.M., Jitterbug, Lindy Hop, Classes by Markus Smith of Swing Anatomy Dance. $10/class for adults, $5/class for children 8-17. Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW, Community room off Wesley Place SW.

HAND DANCING CLASSES, SATURDAYS, 12:45-3:45 P.M., King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW. 645-7454.

JAZZ NIGHT IN SW, FRIDAYS, 6-9 P.M. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW. Various Jazz musicians and singers featured each Friday. $5. Food for sale.

JOB SEEKERS PROGRAM, WEDNESDAYS, 1-7:00 P.M. By Appointment Only. Help with resumes, cover letters, applications, and other aspects of the job search process. SW Neighborhood Library. Call 724-4298 or stop by to set up an appointment Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th.

THE KIWANIS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST WATERFRONT, 6:30-7:30 P.M., every first and third Monday Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW.

NARFE-The National Active and Retired Federal Employees, 1:30-2:30 P.M., every fourth Thursday through May. SW Neighborhood Library, basement meeting room.

POLICE SERVICE AREA 105, Community meeting, 7-8:30 P.M., every third Thursday. Location announced at previous meeting.

POLICE SERVICE AREA 106, Community meeting, 10-11 A.M., every last Saturday, Senior Citizen Community Room 900 5th St SE.

PRE SCHOOL STORYTIME, 10:30 A.M. Wednesdays 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th featuring stories and picture books, songs, and fun activities for preschoolers up to kindergarten. PAJAMA STORYTIME, 7 P.M. Stories and picture books fun and learning before bedtime, SW Neighborhood Library.

SEATED YOGA, 11:00-Noon on Mondays, and Wednesdays 4-5 P.M., Westminster Presbyterian Church. Pamela Wilson guides a gentle series of movements designed to free the joints and ease the mind. This is part of Westminster’s Wellness program.

SOUTHWEST RENEWAL AA, Alcoholics Anonymous group, 8:30 P.M., Mondays, St. Augustine’s Church, 600 M St SW, (202) 554-3222.

SW FREEWAY, NA, 7-8 P.M., Narcotics Anonymous group, Wednesdays, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW.

TOT LOT Program, Randall Community Center, South Capitol & I St SW 554-6973.

WALK FOR WELLNESS Tuesdays and Fridays, while walking to music, 11-12 P.M. in the gym of King Greenleaf Recreation Center, 201 N St SW.

WASHINGTON STAMP COLLECTOR’S CLUB, 7-9 P.M., First and third Wednesday each month. Buy, trade and sell stamps. Refreshments, auctions, and programs. Christ United Methodist Church, 900 4th St SW. 202-863-0564

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St SW, 4 P.M. Seated Yoga and Healing Sessions (Pamela Wilson and Riva Wine). 5:30 P.M. Laughter Yoga (Claire Trivedi). 6:45 P.M. Sampoorna Yoga (Alex Rosen). 7 P.M. Narcotics Anonymous SW Freeway Meeting.

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