Two recent transplants to Southwest, Emily Kelley and Patricia Davis, decided there were other mothers in the neighborhood who might need a support group. After talking on the Nextdoor forum, the moms decided to form the Southwest Waterfront Moms Group.

While the group is still in its infancy, the goal of the Google listserv is to connect with other moms in Southwest Waterfront.

“We hope it will function as a space for moms in our neighborhood to build a community with one another and our children,” said Emily, mother of three, and Patricia, mother of one. “We will try to coordinate play dates, museum trips, and other events using a shared Google Calendar. Membership is by invitation only. Once a member, any mom is welcome to post to this listserv.”

To request an invitation to the group, moms can message Emily and Patricia on Nextdoor directly with the cross streets of their address and they will happily to send an invitation. For more information, visit:

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