The Friends of the SW Library want to thank Southwest residents for your support at our March book sale. With your help, we earned enough money to pay for three months of programs at the SW Library and to contribute to the 2015 Summer Reading program!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with us, we accept donations of gently used books (no magazines or text books), sell at our book sales, and then provide the money to the library staff. We fund all of the after school programs such as Garden Club, Lego Club, Create Club, and Karaoke Club. This includes the purchase of all garden supplies and equipment, Legos, craft supplies, music, and a karaoke machine. We also pay for the refreshments for all programs such as our Summer Reading Program Kickoff because the library is unable to pay for food at sponsored events. In the past, we purchased laptops for computer classes, provided a stipend for the instructor of the 2014 Zumba classes, and bought a defibrillator. All of these items were purchased with funds derived from book sales, but you can support the library year round.
Below are free, simple ways in which you can support the SW Library.
- Attend an event at the library—Each month the library sponsors dozens of events for people of all ages, including computer training, author visits, music, children’s story time, Zumba, and yoga. The calendar is online. Paper copies are available at the Information Desk at the Southwest Library.
- Hold a meeting at the library—The library has a large room on the basement level that is open to the public during regular library hours. Contact the library for detailed information on usage and scheduling guidelines.
- Visit the library on Sunday and check out a book—Help preserve summer hours, which are so important for students and working adults, by not only visiting the library on Sunday, but also checking out at least one book.
- Return books inside the library—If you have time, return books to the circulation desk as you enter the library instead of using the outside dropbox.
How does this help? Every person entering the library is detected by a thermal counter. The door numbers, event participation, room usage, and circulation are all reported to the Main Office of the library. The numbers are announced regularly and provided to elected officials responsible for the library’s budget.
Our next book sale is June 6 from 10:00–3:00 and June 7 from 1:30–4:00 on the library’s second floor. We hope to see you there.
By: Friends of the SW Library