Highlights from 2019 and Looking Forward to 2020
By Grace Hu & Allison Harvey, Parents of Students at Amidon-Bowen Elementary School

The DC Public School Lottery is now open. Applications are due on March 2. If you have a child entering pre-K next school year, here are a few highlights from Amidon-Bowen Elementary School (ABES):
Building Community: Following a partnership with Kindred, which facilitated dialogue about race and equity with parents, ABES parents formed the Visions of Integration, Building Equity (VIBE) group to continue the dialogue and support the success of all students. VIBE started a “Hello Campaign” to encourage parents to get to know each other. Amidon-Bowen also continues to strengthen its ties to the Southwest community, including local churches, businesses, and the Southwest Neighborhood Assembly (SWNA).
The Arts: Our choir, led by the award-winning Ms. Para Perry, continues to be in demand. Most recently, they performed at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the Wharf. In art class, students learned about the role of the sun in Mexican art as part of National Hispanic Heritage Month, and first graders recently traveled to the Italian Embassy to learn about artist Leonardo Da Vinci.
Giving Back and Showing Appreciation: Before Thanksgiving, our youngest students (Pre-K and 1st grade) made sandwiches and cards for those in need in partnership with Central Union Mission. In October, students celebrated the retirement of our custodian, Mr. Jones, who has been an important member of our community.
Rockin’ it in Math: Amidon-Bowen was recognized for strong growth for all students in math during the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s All-Star School Tour. Our Math Team gives students the opportunity to work on creative math problems and participate in math competitions. Math Game Night this fall was a hit with our families.
Pre-Kindergarten Program: Recently, the ABES Pre-K program was ranked in the top five among DCPS programs. The ranking is based on external reviewers who conducted teacher observations. Another important change is that there is no early action option this year (which provided guaranteed access for in-boundary families) for Pre-K. However, there is a high chance for in-boundary families who put Amidon-Bowen as #1 to get a spot.
Learn More: Join us for an open house on January 15 from 9-10 a.m. or February 12 from 9-10 a.m. If you have questions, please e-mail amidonbowendc@gmail.com. We can’t wait to meet you and show you what’s happening at our neighborhood school.