By Beth Hall

The Safeway grocery store and pharmacy on 4th Street SW is scheduled for a major renovation, which is expected in late October. Initial steps have been taken, such as painting and setting up locked cases for protecting inventory. Other changes, such as the rearrangement of some of the wine to behind the cashiers, are temporary.  The renovation will affect the whole store. Some of the most noticeable changes will be an improved produce area, a bigger deli area and a larger Starbucks. Equipment cases and flooring will also be new.

“The store has been in place since 2010,” said store manager Michael Bigelow.  “After 13 years, it is time for improvements.  We also want to be ready for the new residential development nearby that is coming.”  Renovation work will be done early in the mornings and late in the evening so as not to inconvenience shoppers.

Asked about the frequent concern of a lack of available carts, Bigelow explained that the locking wheel function at the front door is not functional right now. Once that is fixed and working to prevent carts from leaving the premises, sufficient carts should be available.

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